abbr.National Institute of Science and Technology 全国科学技术学会;nuclear operational system test 核作战系统试验;
Inhibition of several protein phosphatases by a non-covalently interacting microcystin and a novel cyanobacterial peptide, nostocyclinStructure and biosynthesis of borophycin, a new boeseken complex of boric acid from a marine strain of the blue-green alga Nostoc li...Morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization of Anabaena , Aphanizomenon and Nostoc strains (Cyanobacteria, Nostocale...Univerzalnost sadržaja i strukture vrijednosti: podaci iz Hrvatske( Universals in the Content and Structure of Values: Croatian Evi...DA LI JE AMORALNOST ŠESTI FAKTOR LIČNOSTI?Medijska koncentracija, javnost vlasništva i pokušaj regulacije u SrbijiObjektivna odgovornost u krivičnom pravuSymmetry control circuit and methodUstavna prava I proporcionalnost (Constitutional Rights and Proportionality)Teoriya raznostnykh skhem.