- adj. 好管闲事的;爱追问的;大鼻子的 (nosy的变形)
nosier filter噪声滤波
Estimating the international tourism demand for Egypt : 'an econometric approach'Natural γ-ray-emitting radionuclides in Egyptian cementOn vibration and stability problems of laminated plates and shells using shear deformation theories /FREE VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF LAMINATED PLATES USING A LAYER-WISE THEORYFree vibration analysis of laminated plates using a layerwise theoryResponse of laminated composite flat panels to sonic boom and explosive blast loadingsFree edge stress analysis of general cross-ply composite laminates under extension and thermal loadingVibration and stability analyses of cross-ply laminated circular cylindrical shellsA study of non-linear dynamic equations of higher-order shear deformation plate theories ☆On vibration and buckling of symmetric laminated plates according to shear deformation theories