northing英 ['nɔ:θɪŋ] 美 ['nɔθɪŋ]
- The cardinal point on the mariner's compass270= clockwise from due north and directly opposite east.
西航海者指南针上的基本方向,即从正北按顺时针方向转270度,正对着东方 - The capital of New Zealand, on an inlet of Cook Strait in extreme southern North Island. It was founded in1840 and supplanted Auckland as capital in1865. Population, 133,200.
威灵顿新西兰的首都,位于新西兰北岛最南端的库克海峡的小港内。建于1840年,在1865年它代替奥克兰成为首都。人口133, 200 - A municipal borough of central England north of Nottingham. It is an industrial center in a coal-mining region. Population, 99,900.
The integrated use of chemical insecticides and the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinemema carpocapsae (Nematoda: Steinernematidae), ...Further compatibility tests of the entomopathogenic fungus Lecanicillium muscarium with conventional insecticide products for contro...Assessment of immunobiological effects induced by chemicals, drugs or food additives. II. Studies with cyclophosphamideCellular immunity to SV40-induced tumor cells and solubilized tumor-associated antigens in immune mice using an isotopic footpad ass...Cell-mediated immunity against particulate and solubilized tumor-associated antigens of murine plasmacytomas detected by macrophage ...Consumption rates and predatory activity of adult and fourth instar larvae of the seven spot ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata (L...Method and system for subscription-based, entitlement-driven license key generation and distribution for digital goodsEfficacy of the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema feltiae, against sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)...Bemisia tabaci: The current situation in the UK and the prospect of developing strategies for eradication using entomopathogensDietary exposure to chemical migrants from food contact materials: a probabilistic approach