northeast trades
Pesticdies: transatlantic movements in the northeast trades.Endangered Trades: In northeast Brazil, artisans struggle to compete with the modern worldCOASTAL EVAPORATION WITHIN THE NORTHEAST TRADES: AN EXAMPLE FROM BARBADOSCloud System Evolution in the Trades (CSET): Airborne sampling of Lagrangian airmass evolution in the Northeast Pacific stratocumulu...Quasi-biennial and quasi-triennial oscillations in the rainfall of Northeast BrazilKingston law office trades traditional for trendyEngineering and Industrial Fields. Revised Summary Report: Technical Employment in Northeast Florida.Influence of northern hemisphere general circulation on drought in northeast Brazil1Possible Cross Equatorial Influence of the Northeast Monsoon on the Equatorial Westerlies over IndonesiaA climatology of the characteristics of tropical cyclones in the Northeast Pacific during the period 1966-1980 /