v.绞索,套索( noose的现在分词 );
noose[ nu:s ]
- n.
- v.
- make a noose in or of
- secure with a noose
用作名词(n.)- They tied a noose round her neck.
他们在她脖子上系了一个活扣。 - His debts were a noose around his neck.
债务就像套索一样套在他的脖子上。 - This time you have really put your head in the noose.
这次你真是自投罗网了。 - But I don't see why I should put my head in a noose to conceal his affair.
用作动词(v.)- He cut the rope then and went astern to noose the tail.
然后他割下一截绳子,走到船梢去套住鱼尾巴。 - He's the man that's easy to be noosed.
Noosing bear trapNoosing bear trapNoosing bear trapThe Noosing of the Sun-God()Noosing adult cormorants for bandingThread noosing device for operationA Noosing Gun for Live Captures of Small LizardsUse of Copper Wire in Noosing LizardsUse of a noosing pole to capture Common NighthawksThe convenient use of a lure in noosing small lizards