Nonverbally smart user interfaces: postural and facial expression data in human computer interactionNonverbally Smart User Interfaces: Postural and Facial Expression Data in Human Computer InteractionNonverbally Smart User Interfaces: Postural and Facial Expression Data in Human Computer InteractionIs a nonverbal working memory task necessarily nonverbally encoded?An fMRI study of nonverbally gifted reading disabled adults: has deficit compensation effected gifted potential?Perception and interpretation of nonverbally expressed emotions by adolescents with learning disabilities.Young children's perception of nonverbally expressed “preference”: The effects of nonverbal cue, viewer age, and sex of actorThe Natural Order of Events: How Speakers of Different Languages Represent Events NonverballyFunctional Asymmetry of Human Prefrontal Cortex: Encoding and Retrieval of Verbally and Nonverbally Coded InformationReceiving competence-relevant help: Effects on reciprocity, affect, and sensitivity to the helper's nonverbally expressed needs.