The effect of self-affirmation in nonthreatening persuasion domains: timing affects the process.Panic Search: Fear Produces Efficient Visual Search for Nonthreatening ObjectsFollicular thyroid carcinoma with capsular invasion alone: a nonthreatening malignancyLook at me, I'm smiling: Visual search for threatening and nonthreatening facial expressionsContinuous associative responding to threatening and nonthreatening stimuli by repressors and sensitizers.Responses of Captive Single- and Mixed-Species Groups of Saguinus to Novel Nonthreatening ObjectsRepressors' Appraisals of Emotional Stimuli in Threatening and Nonthreatening Positive Emotional Contexts ☆ ☆☆Eye Movements and Behavioral Responses to Threatening and Nonthreatening Stimuli During Visual Search in Phobic and Nonphobic Subjec...A comparison of rural and urban Indian children's visual detection of threatening and nonthreatening animalsDo shy people prefer to send e-mail?: Personality effects on communication media preferences in threatening and nonthreatening situa...