nonstriated英 [nɒn'straɪeɪtɪd] 美 [nɒn'straɪeɪtɪd]
Conduction in nonstriated muscles.A CHEMICAL STUDY OF NONSTRIATED MAMMALIAN MUSCLEEvolution and Diversity of Nonstriated MusclesNevus pilaris with hyperplasia of nonstriated muscleAC Loss Comparison Between Multifilament and Nonstriated YBCO Coils Designed for HTS Propulsion MotorsDifference of AC Losses Between Nonstriated and Striated Tape and Applicability of Temperature Scaling Law to Stacked Striated TapeThe T-box factor MLS-1 acts as a molecular switch during specification of nonstriated muscle in C. elegans.Differential distribution of subsets of myofibrillar proteins in cardiac nonstriated and striated myofibrils.Structural components of the nonstriated contractile apparatuses in the Caenorhabditis elegans gonadal myoepithelial sheath and thei...Developmental genetic analysis of troponin T mutations in striated and nonstriated muscle cells of Caenorhabditis elegans.