nonsexual英 [nɒn'seksjʊəl] 美 [nɒn'sekʃʊrl]
nonsexual[ nɔn'seksjuəl, -ʃuəl ]
- adj.not having or involving sex
nonsexualnonsexualSexual behavior and nonsexual deviance: A sibling study of their relationship.Sexual arousal to nonsexual violence and sadomasochistic themes among rapists and non sex-offenders.A Comparison of Child Molesters and Nonsexual Criminals: Risk Predictors and Long Term Recidivism.Comparative analysis of juvenile sexual offenders, violent nonsexual offenders, and status offenders.Fluctuating asymmetry of sexual and nonsexual traits in stalk‐eyed flies: a poor indicator of developmental stress and genetic qual...Coping strategies and posttraumatic stress disorder in female victims of sexual and nonsexual assault.SEX AND SPECIATION: GENETIC ARCHITECTURE AND EVOLUTIONARY POTENTIAL OF SEXUAL VERSUS NONSEXUAL TRAITS IN THE SIBLING SPECIES OF THE ...Penile circumference, skin conductance, and ranking responses of child molesters and "normals"to sexual and nonsexual visual stimuli.