nonsexist英 ['nɒn'seksɪst] 美 [nɒn'seksɪst]
Nonsexist Research MethodsBEYOND NONSEXIST RESEARCHNonsexist research methods: A practical guide.Beyond the "He/Man"Approach: The Case for Nonsexist LanguageConducting Nonsexist Research, Prevention, and Treatment with Fathers and Mothers A Call for A ChangeIssues to consider in conducting nonsexist psychological research: A guide for researchers.The Effects of Nonsexist Television Commercials and Perceptions of Reality on Children's Attitudes About WomenReactions of women to nonsexist and feminist counseling: Effects of counselor orientation and mode of information delivery.Learning to Be Little Women and Little Men: The Inequitable Gender Equality of Nonsexist Children's LiteratureGuidelines for avoiding sexism in psychological research: A report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Nonsexist Research.