nonrepresentational英 [ˌnɒnreprɪzen'teɪʃənəl] 美 [ˌnɒnreprɪzen'teɪʃənəl]
nonrepresentational[ ,nɔnreprizen'teiʃənəl ]
- adj.of or relating to a style of art in which objects do not resemble those known in physical nature
NONREPRESENTATIONAL SHAPES AND EYE MOVEMENTSNonrepresentational Methodologies: Re-Envisioning ResearchReview essay. Nonrepresentational theory and me: notes of an interested scepticRepresentational and nonrepresentational gestures in boys with learning disabilitiesPerceiving hierarchical structures in nonrepresentational paintingsEEG, measures of complexity, and preference for nonrepresentational works of artRole of extended perceptual experience upon haptic perception of nonrepresentational shapesSkin conductance and aesthetic evaluative responses to nonrepresentational works of art varying in symmetryBook Review:The Unity of Knowledge and Action: Toward a Nonrepresentational Theory of Knowledge Warren G. Frisina“I was Born But…”: Children as other/nonrepresentational subjects in emotional and affective registers as depicted in film