nonrecoverable英 [ˌnɒnrɪ'kʌvərəbl] 美 [ˌnɒnrɪ'kʌvrəbəl]
- A controlled premature termination of processing activity in a computer system because of a mistake, nonrecoverable error, or malfunction.
nonrecoverableViable but nonrecoverable stage of Salmonella enteritidis in aquatic systems.Turbofan-engine nonrecoverable stall computer-simulation developmentand validationTurbofan-engine nonrecoverable stall computer-simulation developmentand validationSuperconducting lead with recoverable and nonrecoverable insulationRecoverable and nonrecoverable deficits in conditioned responses after cerebellar cortical lesionsNeer Award 2001: nonrecoverable strain fields of the anteroinferior glenohumeral capsule under subluxationStructural Diagnosis of a Concrete Dam with Cracking and High Nonrecoverable DisplacementsRheology of thermoplastics. II. Recoverable and nonrecoverable deformations of polystyrene between 90 and 240°C. as a function of m...Characterization of proviral DNA from an individual with long-term, nonprogressive infection with HIV-1 and nonrecoverable virus