nonprofessional英 ['nɒnprə'feʃənəl] 美 [ˌnɑnprəˈfɛʃənəl]
nonprofessional[ ,nɔnprə'feʃənəl ]
Are M.B.A. Students a Good Proxy for Nonprofessional Investors?Dimensionality of a test battery for nonprofessional mental health workersDimensionality of a test battery for nonprofessional mental health workers.Who (or what) can do psychotherapy: The status and challenge of nonprofessional therapies.Organizational and Professional Commitment in Professional and Nonprofessional OrganizationsDNAM-1 promotes activation of cytotoxic lymphocytes by nonprofessional antigen-presenting cells and tumorsThe Effects of Pro Forma Earnings Disclosures on Analysts' and Nonprofessional Investors' Equity Valuation JudgmentsEffects of Comprehensive‐Income Characteristics on Nonprofessional Investors' Judgments: The Role of Financial‐Statement Presentat...Gilfillan, S. et al. DNAM-1 promotes activation of cytotoxic lymphocytes by nonprofessional antigen-presenting cells and tumors. J...Brucella abortus transits through the autophagic pathway and replicates in the endoplasmic reticulum of nonprofessional phagocytes