nonjuror英 [nɒn'dʒʊərə] 美 [nɒn'dʒʊrə]
2.27 Nonjuror LiturgiesRobert Nelson (nonjuror)Robert Nelson (Nonjuror)A Forgotten Hit: "The Nonjuror"Characters and characteristics of William Law, nonjuror and mysticReligion and Political Identity: Samuel Johnson as a NonjurorReligion and Political Identity: Samuel Johnson as a NonjurorTHE HISTORY OF THEOLOGICAL DIALOGUE BETWEEN NONJUROR ANGLICANS AND THE EASTERN CHURCH (1716-1725)There Were They In Great Fear, Where No Fear Was. The Theological Dialogue between the Nonjuror Anglicans and the Eastern Church (17...Advocacy of the independence of the Church from the State in Eighteenth-Century England: A comparison of a Nonjuror and a Nonconform...