nonenforceable英 [ˌnɒnɪn'fɔ: səbl] 美 [ˌnɒnɪn'fɔ səbl]
Non-enforceable implementation of enterprise mobilization: An exploratory study of the critical success factors.Order without (Enforceable) Law: Why Countries Enter into Non-Enforceable Competition Policy Chapters in Free Trade AgreementsNon‐enforceable implementation of enterprise mobilizationFree-Riding in International Environmental Agreements: A Signaling Approach to Non-Enforceable TreatiesScheduling Non-Enforceable Contracts among Autonomous AgentsDo Non‐Enforceable Contracts Matter? Evidence from an International Lab ExperimentTo suggest is to commit? A common pool resource experiment with non-enforceable recommendationsTHE NINTH CIRCUIT CONSTRAINS NON-ENFORCEABLE PUBLIC-PRIVATE ENDANGERED SPECIES CONSERVATION AGREEMENTSThe Right to Development: A Binding Source of International Law or a Needless, Non-Enforceable, Right to Everything?Enforceable vs. Non-Enforceable Contracts: A Theoretical Appraisal with Fair Players