noncombat英 [nɒn'kɒmbæt] 美 [nɒn'kɒmbæt]
Humanitarian, noncombat role for the military.An open trial of paroxetine in patients with noncombat-related, chronic posttraumatic stress disorderPsychophysiologic responses to the Rorschach in PTSD patients, noncombat and combat controlsVariations in feminine hygiene practices of military women in deployed and noncombat environmentsTraumatogenicity: effects of self-reported noncombat trauma on MMPIs of male Vietnam combat and noncombat veterans treated for subst...Economic Growth, Regime Insecurity, and Military Strategy: Explaining the Rise of Noncombat Operations in ChinaBurn hazards of the deployed environment in wartime: epidemiology of noncombat burns from ongoing United States military operations.Acute Gastrointestinal Infection, Respiratory Illness, and Noncombat Injury Among US Military Personnel During Operation Bright Star...Severity of combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder versus noncombat-related posttraumatic stress disorder: a community-based s...Prevalence of in-service and post-service sexual assault among combat and noncombat veterans applying for Department of Veterans Aff...