nonclassical英 ['nɒn'klæsɪkəl] 美 ['nɒn'klæsɪkəl]
SUMO--nonclassical ubiquitinThe mystery of nonclassical protein secretionGeneration of nonclassical motional states of a trapped atom.Almost all quantum states have nonclassical correlationsContour detection based on nonclassical receptive field inhibitionA nonclassical 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor positively coupled with adenylate cyclase in the central nervous systemThe mystery of nonclassical protein secretion. A current view on cargo proteins and potential export routes.ChemInform Abstract: GROUND STATES OF MOLECULES. 34. MINDO 3 CALCULATIONS FOR NONCLASSICAL IONSMetal−Ligand Bifunctional Catalysis: A Nonclassical Mechanism for Asymmetric Hydrogen Transfer between Alcohols and Carbonyl Comp...Human myelomonocytic cells express an inhibitory receptor for classical and nonclassical MHC class I molecules