noncash英 ['nɒnk'æʃ] 美 ['nɒnk'æʃ]
- Noncash input Agricultural input not in the form of cash.
非现金投入非现金形式的农业投入。 - In addition, noncash investing and financing activities are reported in an accompanying schedule.
Noncash Benefits and Income DistributionNoncash Income Transfers and Agricultural Land ValuesTAX EXPENDITURES FOR NONCASH CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONSSubstitution of Noncash Payment Instruments for Cash in EuropeNONCASH INCOME, EQUIVALENCE SCALES, AND THE MEASUREMENT OF ECONOMIC WELL‐BEINGThe use of checks and other noncash payment instruments in the United StatesJustifiability and the Motivational Power of Tangible Noncash IncentivesCash and Noncash Benefits for Persons with Limited Income: Eligibility Rules, Recipient and Expenditure Data, FY2000-FY2002BEFORE AND AFTER TANF: THE UTILIZATION OF NONCASH PUBLIC BENEFITS BY WOMEN LEAVING WELFARE IN WISCONSINPOVERTY, TNEQUALTTY, AND FAMTLY LIVING STANDARDS IMPACTS ACROSS SEVEN NATIONS: THE EFFECT OF NONCASH SUBSIDIES FOR HEALTH, EDUCATION...