nonadjacent英 ['nɒnə'dʒeɪsənt] 美 ['nɒnə'dʒeɪsənt]
- adj.not adjacent; not next
Temporally nonadjacent nonlinguistic sounds affect speech categorization.The Developmental Trajectory of Nonadjacent Dependency LearningTooth rotation associated with aplasia of nonadjacent teethTotal Synthesis of the Nonadjacent Bis-Tetrahydrofuran Annonaceous Acetogenin Squamostatin-DDistant melodies: statistical learning of nonadjacent dependencies in tone sequences.Two nonadjacent regions in enteroaggregative Escherichia coli flagellin are required for activation of toll-like receptor 5.Steganalysis of LSB matching using differences between nonadjacent pixelsEffects of Magnetic Coupling of Nonadjacent Resonators on Wireless Power Domino-Resonator SystemsCan CANISO activate CASINO? Transposed-letter similarity effects with nonadjacent letter positionsControl of diastereoselectivity in tandem asymmetric reactions generating nonadjacent stereocenters with bifunctional catalysis by c...