nocturn英 ['nɒktɜ:n] 美 ['nɒktɜn]
NocturnNocturnNocturnStudies on the Relation between the Pigment Migration and the Sensitivity Changes during Dark Adaptation in Diurnal and Nocturnal Le...Comparison of nasal pressure support ventilation with nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation in patients with nocturnal hy...Der Einfluß des Mondlichtes auf die Aktivitätsperiodik nachtaktiver Säugetiere (The Effect of Moonlight on the Activity of Noctur...Effects of pressure on the skin exerted by clothing on responses of urinary catecholamines and cortisol, heart rate and nocturnal ur...Green, C. B. & Besharse, J. C. Identification of a novel vertebrate circadian clock-regulated gene encoding the protein nocturnin. P...Administration of neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin at bedtime versus with dinner in type 1 diabetes mellitus to avoid nocturnal hy...Erratum: “Long‐term effect of the complement inhibitor eculizumab on kidney function in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal he...