nitrosamine英 [ˌnaɪtrəʊsə'mi:n] 美 [ˌnaɪtroʊsə'min]
- Nitrosamines are chemical compounds of the chemical structure R1N(-R2)-N=O, most of which are carcinogenic.
N -Nitrosamines as Environmental CarcinogensRelevance of nitrosamines to human cancerTobacco-specific nitrosamines, an important group of carcinogens in tobacco and tobacco smokeSuppressive effects of estradiol on dimethylnitrosamine-induced fibrosis of the liver in rats.Biochemistry, biology, and carcinogenicity of tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines.Macrophage synthesis of nitrite, nitrate, and N-nitrosamines: precursors and role of the respiratory burstThe Production of Malignant Primary Hepatic Tumours in the Rat by Feeding DimethylnitrosamineCelecoxib Inhibits N-Butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine-induced Urinary Bladder Cancers in Male B6D2F1 Mice and Female Fischer-344...High susceptibility of p53(+/-) knockout mice in N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine urinary bladder carcinogenesis and lack of fr...Possible Relevance of O|[ndash]|6 Alkylation of Deoxyguanosine to the Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity of Nitrosamines and Nitrosami...