niter英 ['naɪtə] 美 ['naɪtə]
niter[ 'naitə ]
Mountable retractable screen unitDistribution of Spontaneous Mutations in 97 Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Isolates Collected in FrancePredictors of short-term deterioration and compliance in psychiatric emergency patients: a prospective study of 457 patients referre...Sacco, E. et al. Activation of the L,D-transpeptidation peptidoglycan cross-linking pathway by a metallo-D,D-carboxypeptidase in Ent...Cerebellar sclerosis in pediatric cancer patientsToxic epidermal necrolysis after paroxetine treatmentGenetic analysis of glycopeptide-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis strains from bone and joint infections.Low blood cholesterol and low platelet serotonin levels in violent suicide attemptersCSF 5-HIAA levels are lower in impulsive as compared to nonimpulsive violent suicide attempters and control subjectsPostdisaster psychosocial intervention: a field study of the impact of debriefing on psychological distress.