nipper英 [ˈnɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈnɪpər]
nipper[ 'nipə ]
Construction and application for QTL analysis of a Restriction Site Associated DNA (RAD) linkage map in barleyFunctional Calcium-sensing Receptors in Rat Fibroblasts Are Required for Activation of SRC Kinase and Mitogen-activated Protein Kina...Effects of Feeding Milk Replacer Once Versus Twice Daily on Glucose Metabolism in Holstein and Jersey CalvesGolf gaming systems and methodsExpression and localization of caveolin-1, and the presence of membrane rafts, in mouse and Guinea pig spermatozoa.Third generation distance learning and computer conferencingThe Importance of Body Stiffness in Undulatory PropulsionObservation of ultralong-range Rydberg moleculesMolecular cloning and expression of the rat beta 1-adrenergic receptor gene.Genomic scan for single nucleotide polymorphisms reveals patterns of divergence and gene flow between ecologically divergent species