Nina Ricci
Nina Ricci
- Nina Ricci is a fashion house founded by Maria "Nina"Ricci and her son Robert in Paris in 1932, and owned by the Spanish beauty and fashion group Puig since 1998.http://www.
Nina RicciNINA RICCINina RicciFractalsStanding PrettyEnsemble - Dress and SandalsFe3O4@MIL‐101 – A Selective and Regenerable Adsorbent for the Removal of As Species from WaterThe Presence of REM and CM in WEEE: Challenges for RecoverySysteme und Verfahren zum Anbringen von Chips in gestapelten ChipbausteinenSMART: Sustainable Metal Extraction from Tailings Towards zero waste mining industryNina Ricci (designer)Nina Ricci heir sentenced to prison, millions in fines over French tax fraud after HSBC leaksGuillaume Henry es posa al capdavant de Nina Ricci