(名词)- [U]〈化〉镍 chemical element, a hard silver-white metal often used in alloys
- [C](美国和加拿大的)五分镍币,五分钱 coin of the US or Canada, worth 5 cents
brass button nickelled镀镍铜钮扣
Nickelled steel sheet proofed against tight adhesion during annealing and process for production thereofNumerical Simulation of the Radial Cooling Process of Nickelled and Wrapped Composite Material BarrelGeneration of active [NiFe] hydrogenase in vitro from a nickel-free precursor formComparative XPS Study of Copper, Nickel, and Aluminum Coatings on Polymer SurfacesNickel based catalysts derived from hydrothermally synthesized 1:1 and 2:1 phyllosilicates as precursors for carbon dioxide reformin...Reactivity of novel ion-exchanged nickel/hydrous titanate catalystsA new insight into the role of intracellular nickel levels for the stress response, surface properties and twitching motility by Hae...Nickel hexa-yttrium deca-iodide, [NiY6]I10.Pulsed Nd:YAG laser surface alloying of AZ31 magnesium with nickel forimproved wear and corrosion resistanceLiquid phase adsorption of dyes and dextrans by crystallized mesoporous wood carbon obtained by nickel-catalyzed carbonization of la...