nicene creed英 [ˈnaɪˌsi:n, naɪˈsi:n] 美 [ˈnaɪˌsin, naɪˈsin]
nicene creed
- n.(Christianity) a formal creed summarizing Christian beliefs; first adopted in 325 and later expanded
Nicene CreedNicene CreedNICENE CREEDHE CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN ”: THE PREEXISTENCE OF CHRIST REVISITED DOUGLAS M C CREADY * JOURNAL OF THE EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SOCIETYThe Stations of the CrossEnglish Versions of the Nicene Creed in Current UseCatholic Charismatic Church of CanadaFour Marks of the ChurchNicene Christianity: The Future for a New EcumenismResponse to Al-Warraq's 'Attack against the Trinity'1Understanding the Nicene CreedThe Insertion of the Filioque into the Nicene Creed and a Letter of Isidore of SevilleNEW EVIDENCE ON THE PHILOXENIAN VERSIONS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT AND NICENE CREED