newsperson英 ['nju:zpɜ:sən] 美 ['njuzˌpəsən]
newsperson[ 'nju:z,pə:sən ]
- n.a person who investigates and reports or edits news stories
The virtual newspersonNewsperson's Privilege: An Extra-Constitutional RightThe newsperson selection establish the spirit of the timesQualified Newsperson's Privilege Does Not Extend to AuthorsTyee's Nikiforuk, Sun's Skelton touted as Canadian Newsperson of Year | The HookNew Limits on Freedom of the Press: Newsperson's Qualified Privilege Fails to Protect Nonconfidential Videotape Outtakes - State v...Constitutional Law -- In re Grand Jury Matter, Gronowicz: Qualified Newsperson's Privilege Does Not Extend to AuthorsThe California Supreme Court Sets the Stage for Destruction of the Newsperson's Shield Law in Delaney v. Superior CourtCall for Legislative Response to New York's Narrow Interpretation of the Newsperson's Privilege Knight-Ridder Broadcasting Inc. v. G...Reporter Privilege: Shield or Sword--Applying a Modified Breach of Contract Standard When a Newsperson Burns a Confidential Source