newsless英 ['nju:zlɪs] 美 ['njuzlɪs]
newsless[ 'nju:zlis ]
- adj.
- not having or receiving news or information
- not providing news or information
The Networks, Newsless if Not SpeechlessWhat if ... policy had to be argued in a newspaperless world?The “newsless” myth: How Millennials consume the newsAmericans Say Economic News Less Negative: SurveyNIGHT OWLS MAY FIND NEWS LESS THAN A HOOTDEATH RATE DISPARITY ALARMING COUNTY'S INFANT MORTALITY DOWN, BUT MINORITY NEWS LESS POSITIVE.(News)Litigation Risk and Management Forecast Optimism: Is Bad News Really Less Biased Than Good News?*Newspaper-less in Vancouver? | The TyeeAs Postmedia Withers, Is a Newspaper-less Vancouver Imminent? | The TyeeNewspaper-less Cities by 2010?