n.新来的人,新手( newcomer的名词复数 );
IL-28 and IL-29: newcomers to the interferon family.Newcomers' relationships: The role of social network ties during socialization.Socialization Tactics, Self-Efficacy, and Newcomers' Adjustments to OrganizationsSurprise and sense making: what newcomers experience in entering unfamiliar organizational settingsChanges in newcomers' psychological contracts during organizational socialization: a study of recruits entering the British ArmyPERSON-ORGANIZATION FIT: THE MATCH BETWEEN NEWCOMERS' AND RECRUITERS' PREFERENCES FOR ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURESLOYAL FROM DAY ONE: BIODATA, ORGANIZATIONAL IDENTIFICATION, AND TURNOVER AMONG NEWCOMERSThe Role of Mentoring in the Information Gathering Processes of Newcomers during Early Organizational SocializationORGANIZATIONAL SOCIALIZATION TACTICS: A LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS OF LINKS TO NEWCOMERS' COMMITMENT AND ROLE ORIENTATIONRemaking the American Mainstream: Assimilation and Contemporary Immigration/America's Newcomers and Dynamics of Diversity/America's ...