New Delhi[nju:ˈdeli]
New Delhi
- New Delhi is the capital of India.
新德里是印度的首都。 - I believe there's a flight to New Delhi next Saturday.
New Delhi Metallo-Beta-LactamaseGlobal spread of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 1Dept. of Electr. Eng., Indian Inst. of Technol., New Delhi, IndiaRefractive error in children in an urban population in New DelhiCharacterization of rotavirus strains from newborns in New Delhi, India.Sayer A (2000) Realism and Social Science. SAGE Publications, London – Thousand Oaks – New DelhiDissemination of NDM-1 positive bacteria in the New Delhi environment and its implications for human health: an environmental point ...Das BK, Gentsch JR, Cicirello HG, et al. Characterization of rotavirus strains from newborns in New Delhi, Indiastudy of epidemiology of tuberculosis in an urban population of Delhi : Report on 30 year followup New Delhi Tb CentreInformal consultation on innovative approaches to further reduce leprosy burden in countries: 17-18 September 2008, New Delhi, India.