netherlander[ 'neðələndə ]
- n.a native or inhabitant of Holland
A Netherlander in BeijingErasmus becomes a NetherlanderIntroduction: 'The Netherlander has intelligence in his hand'BALDUIN HOYOUL. A NETHERLANDER AT A GERMAN COURT CHAPEL (VOLUMES I AND II)MATTHEUS LE MAISTRE: A NETHERLANDER AT THE DRESDEN COURT CHAPEL. (VOLUMES I AND II)Book Review:The Two Netherlanders: Humphrey Bradley and Cornelius Drebbel L. E. HarrisThe Doom of the Boer Oligarchies. A Netherlander's View of the South African ProblemThe Wartime Political Thought of the Pan‐Netherlander Van Es and the Flemish Activist Van GenechtenThe Tenth S.B.A.C. Display: A Netherlander's Impressions of the Society of British Aircraft Constructors' Flying Display and Exhibit...9129 A study on the Characteristic of townhouse in Nagasaki seen from specification of the Netherlander guest house : A study on the...