net position英 [net pəˈziʃən] 美 [nɛt pəˈzɪʃən]
ANNUAL REPORT – GASB 34Druckindustrie im Wandel. Entwicklung und Perspektiven unter dem Einfluss der Informations- und KommunikationstechnologienMETHOD FOR IMMOBILIZING A FRAME STRUCTURE IN ITS FREE STATE TO ESTABLISH A NET DATUM POSITIONApparatus for immobilizing a frame structure in its free state to establish a net datum position thereofThe Dynamics of Ireland's Net External PositionApplication of ICRs with a net financial position (NFP) repayment approach in the Parma PDO ham sectorFacing the Monster 'Juste retour': On the Net Financial Position of Member States vis-à-vis the EU Budget and a Proposal for ReformVon Zahlern und Empfängern: Die Berechnung von Nettopositionen im EU-HaushaltMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR IMMOBILIZING A FRAMING STRUCTURE IN ITS FREE STATE TO ESTABLISH A NET DATUM POSITION THEREOFInternationalization in the Reinsurance Industry: An Analysis of the Net Financial Position of U.S. Reinsurers