nemophila英 [nɪ'mɒfɪlə] 美 [nɪ'mɒfələ]
- n.any plant of the genus Nemophila
Nemophila :Nemophila :Nemophila :The Adaptive Nature of Seed Germination in Nemophila Menziesii Aggr.The genetics and evolution of gynodioecy in Nemophila menziesii (Hydro...VARIATION IN SEED CHARACTERS IN NEMOPHILA MENZIESII - EVIDENCE OF A GENETIC BASIS FOR MATERNAL EFFECTPOLLINATION BIOLOGY OF NEMOPHILA MENZIESII (HYDROPHYLLACEAE) WITH COMMENTS ON THE EVOLUTION OF OLIGOLECTIC BEESQuantitative Genetics of Response to Competitors in Nemophila menziesii: A Greenhouse StudyGenetic components of variation in Nemophila menziesii undergoing inbreeding: morphology and flowering time.Quantitative genetics of response to competitors in Nemophila menziesii: a field experiment.Environmental and Genetic Maternal Effects on Seed Characters in Nemophila menziesiiPlatenkamp GAJ, Shaw RG.. Environmental and genetic maternal effects on seed characters in Nemophila-menziesii. Evolution 47: 540-555Influence of fire and edaphic factors on germination of the arid zone shrubs Acacia aneura, Cassia nemophila and Dodonaea viscosa.