nemertean英 [nɪ'mɜ:tɪən] 美 [nɪ'mɜtɪrn]
nemertean[ ni'mə:tiən ]
Checklist of Nemertean Genera and Species Published between 1995 and 2007Epizootic Infestations by Nemertean Brood Parasites on Commercially Important CrustaceansVestigial prototroch in a basal nemertean, Carinoma tremaphoros (Nemertea; Palaeonemertea)Repetitive calcium waves induced by fertilization in the nemertean worm Cerebratulus lacteus.The mini-hemoglobins in neural and body wall tissue of the nemertean worm, Cerebratulus lacteusNemertean genera and species of the world: an annotated checklist of original names and description citations, synonyms, current tax...Conservation of the Spiralian Developmental Program: Cell Lineage of the Nemertean, Cerebratulus lacteus ☆Beta-catenin is required for the establishment of vegetal embryonic fates in the nemertean, Cerebratulus lacteusEgg Loss from the American Lobster, Homarus americanus, in Relation to Nemertean, Pseudocarcinonemertes homari, InfestationFundamental properties of the spiralian developmental program are displayed by the basal nemertean Carinoma tremaphoros (Palaeonemer...