nematophora英 [nemə'tɒfərə] 美 [nemə'tɒfərə]
Anamorphosis in the NematophoraDiplopoden aus Südindien und Ceylon. 2. Teil: Nematophora und JuliformiaDistribution and Morphology of the Medusa, Calycopsis nematophora, fro...[The presence of para-esophageal bodies in Nematophora Lysiopetalidae (Myriapoda, Diplopoda)]Presence de corps para aesophagiens chez les Nematophora Lysiopetalidae (Myriapoda, Diplopoda)A new neurohaemal organ in Craspedosoma rawlinsii leach (Diplopoda, Nematophora)Diplopoden aus Südindien und Ceylon. 2. Teil: Nematophora und JuliformiaEin bisher unbekanntes Neurohämalorgan von Craspedosoma rawlinsii leach (Diplopoda, Nematophora)Distribution and morphology of the medusa, Calycopsis nematophora , from the North Pacific Ocean : Renshaw R. Ward , 1965. J. Fish...First recorded introduction of the milliped order Stemmiulida (Eugnatha: Nematophora): Potential establishment in Florida, USA, and ...