nekton英 ['nektɒn] 美 ['nekˌtɒn]
nekton[ 'nektɔn ]
- n.the aggregate of actively swimming animals in a body of water ranging from microscopic organisms to whales
Nekton use of vegetated marsh habitats at different stages of tidal inundationAre larvae of demersal fishes plankton or nekton?Nekton use of marsh-surface habitats in Louisiana (USA) deltaic salt marshes undergoing submergenceThe role of tidal marshes in the ecology of estuarine nektonNekton densities in shallow estuarine habitats of Texas and Louisiana and the identification of essential fish habitatSEASONAL HABITAT-USE PATTERNS OF NEKTON IN A TIDE-RESTRICTED AND UNRESTRICTED NEW ENGLAND SALT MARSHSalt marshes as nurseries for nekton: Testing hypotheses on density, growth and survival through meta-analysisComparative ecology of nekton residing in a tidal creek and adjacent seagrass meadow: community composition and structureUsing Gradients in Tidal Restriction to Evaluate Nekton Community Responses to Salt Marsh RestorationNew developments in the MOCNESS, an apparatus for sampling zooplankton and nekton