neither nor英 [ˈni:ðə nɔ:] 美 [ˈniðɚ nɔr]
NEITHER/NORNeither/norNeither NorFour Teachers To Be Given Honor AwardsEdinburgh Research ExplorerFARKAS'S POETRY HANDOUTS I: Poets on Poetry William Wordsworth, Preface to Lyrical Ballads (1802) Excerpts PURPOSE: The principNeither dark nor light but shades in-between: cocoa merits a finer sampling.Middle Alternatives Revisited: How the neither/nor Response Acts as a Way of Saying "I Don't Know"?Globalisation: Neither ideology nor utopia“Either, or, Neither Nor”:Resisting the Production of Gender, Race and Class Dichotomies in the Pre-Colonial PeriodNeither/Nor: Mapping Latin America's Response to Neoliberalism and NeoconservatismAnalytic Aesthetics and Feminist Aesthetics: Neither/Nor?Nor: Neither Disjunction nor Paradox