neighbourly英 [ˈneɪbəli] 美 [ˈneɪbərli]
neighbourly[ 'neibəli ]
- adj.exhibiting the qualities expected in a friendly neighbor
用作形容词(adj.)- It was a neighbourly gesture of theirs.
这是他们友好的表示。 - Some of us tried at first to be neighbourly but they seemed to want to keep their own company.
Neighbourly Acts--Volunteering, Social Capital and Democracy.The number of neighbourly d-polytopes with d+3 verticesMinuscule posets from neighbourly graph sequencesMinuscule posets from neighbourly graph sequencesWhen to be neighbourly: differential agonistic responses in the lizard Platysaurus broadleyiBusiness history and accounting history: a neighbourly relationshipReluctant solidarity: Death, urban poverty and neighbourly assistance in South AfricaCommunitarianism, sport and social capital - 'neighbourly insights into Scottish sport'.Neither Busybodies nor Nobodies: Managing Proximity and Distance in Neighbourly RelationsFine-scale environmental variation in species distribution modelling: regression dilution, latent variables and neighbourly advice