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2025-03-06 21:01:14
neighborhood of
Neighborhood of residence and incidence of coronary heart disease.A new definition of neighborhood of a point in multi-dimensional spaceSite-Directed Hydroxyl Radical Probing of the rRNA Neighborhood of Ribosomal Protein S5Magnetic field in the very close neighborhood of Mars according to data from the Mars 2 and Mars 3 spacecraftDirected hydroxyl radical probing of the rRNA neighborhood of ribosomal protein S13 using tethered Fe(II)A refinement of Wigner's semicircle law in a neighborhood of the spectrum edge for random symmetric matricesFluid and solid motion in the neighborhood of a fluid-filled borehole due to the passage of a low-frequency elastic plane waveStorm sewers as larval habitats for Aedes aegypti and Culex spp. in a neighborhood of Merida, Mexico.Acontribution to the problem of the structure of an extended neighborhood of arough equilibrium state of saddle-focus typeSil’nikov, L.P.: A contribution of the problem of the structure of an extended neighborhood of rough equilibrium state of saddle-fo...