v.谈判,协商,议定( negotiate的过去式和过去分词 );兑现(支票等);通过,越过(险要路段);
(动词)- vt. & vi. 谈判,磋商 discuss in order to come to an agreement
- vt. 通过 get past or over
用作动词 (v.)~+名词- negotiate the contract商订合约
- negotiate the steep hill越过陡峭的山
- negotiate these steps越过这几步
- negotiate a treaty商订了一项条约
~+副词- negotiate admirably极好地磋商
- negotiate amicably友好地磋商
- negotiate artistically富有艺术创造力地磋商
- negotiate cleverly〔ingeniously,tactfully〕巧妙地磋商
- negotiate commercially贸易上磋商
- negotiate complexly复杂地磋商
- negotiate confidentially机密地磋商
- negotiate diplomatically机巧地磋商
- negotiate dramatically不寻常地磋商
- negotiate elaborately详尽地磋商
- negotiate finally最后地磋商
- negotiate harmoniously和谐地磋商
- negotiate mechanically习惯性地磋商
- negotiate methodically有条理地磋商
- negotiate obviously显而易见地磋商
- negotiate satisfactorily满意地磋商
- negotiate solemnly庄严磋商
- negotiate systematically有规律地磋商
- negotiate zealously热情地磋商
~+介词- negotiate about〔for〕就某事进行交涉
- negotiate into通过谈判…进入
- negotiate with就某事进行交涉以达成协议
negotiated price协商价格
用作不及物动词(vi.)- We've decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.
我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判。 - We are happy to negotiate with you in that way.
我们很高兴用这种方式来和贵方协商交易。 - Trade union leaders went back to negotiate with the government.
用作及物动词(vt.)- Since our contract is near its term we must negotiate a new one.
由于我们的合同快到期了,我们必须谈判新的合约。 - How did you negotiate the deal on the benefit?
你是怎么谈成那笔有利可图的交易的? - The climber had to negotiate a steep rock face.
Negotiated matching systemNegotiated matching systemNegotiated Block Trades and Corporate ControlThe Negotiated Order of Organizational Reliability"Adherence"and the negotiated approach to patienthoodComputer-Mediated Negotiated Interaction: An Expanded ModelThe Consequences of Negotiated Settlements in Civil Wars, 1945-1993Negotiated Collusion: Modeling Social Language and its Relationship Effects in Intelligent AgentsPower and the emergence of commitment behavior in negotiated exchangeParental Monitoring, Negotiated Unsupervised Time, and Parental Trust: The Role of Perceived Parenting Practices in Adolescent Healt...