negator英 [nɪˈgeɪtə(r)]
- Negator can mean any of the following:
Negator spring-powered syringeBasic Aspects of Negator Algebra in SOCThe NEGATOR as a Basic Building Block for Quantum CircuitsNegation and affirmation: the role of involutive negatorsSTUDY ON THE RESISTANCE TO UNCINULA NEGATOR AND ITS STABILITY OF VITIS VINIFERAChapter 7. Core predicate phrase modifiers: Negators, tense, aspect, and modals : A Grammar of Saramaccan CreoleSexual dimorphism in the adult antennae of Antitrogus parvulus Britton and Lepidiota negatoria Blackburn (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: ...Sugars, Amino Acids, and Ascorbic Acid as Phagostimulants for Larvae of Antitrogus parvulus and Lepidiota negatoria (Coleoptera: Sca...Characterization of midgut proteinase activities of white grubs:Lepidiota noxia, Lepidiota negatoria, andAntitrogus consanguineus (s...SOIL TEXTURE AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF ANTITROGUS PARVULUS BRITTON, LEPIDIOTA CRINITA BRENSKE AND L. NEGATORIA BLACKBURN (COLEOPTERA: ...