negativism英 ['neɡətɪvɪzəm] 美 ['neɡətɪvɪzəm]
negativism[ 'neɡətivizəm ]
[Negativism].On negativismIn search of negativism: Phenomenology and historical geographyHow do Japanese mothers treat children's negativismPowerlessness and Political Negativism: A Study of Defeated Local ReferendumsNegativism in evaluative judgments of words among depressed outpatients with borderline personality disorderMeasuring rebelliousness: The development of the Negativism Dominance ScaleMeasuring rebelliousness: The development of the Negativism Dominance ScalePsychogenic Megacolon in Children: The Implications of Bowel NegativismCharacterization of the negativism, activation, self-confidence and cognitive orientations levels of alpinists