释义[人名] 尼尔;
The analytic breeding method: possibilities for potato breedingGeneration of specific deoxynojirimycin-type inhibitors of the non-lysosomal glucosylceramidaseProduction of sea spray aerosol in the surf zoneEffect of 1 year of discontinuation of raloxifene or estrogen therapy on bone mineral density after 5 years of treatment in healthy ...Assessing European capacity for geological storage of carbon dioxide–the EU GeoCapacity projectAssessing European Capacity for Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide. Storage capacityOestrogen replacement therapy lowers plasma levels of asymmetrical dimethylarginine in healthy postmenopausal womenVascular calcification: expression patterns of the osteoblast-specific gene core binding factor alpha-1 and the protective factor ma...Topography of the 400 km discontinuity from observations of long‐period P400P phasesCapture technologies: Improvements and promising developments