neddy英 ['nedɪ] 美 ['nedɪ]
用作名词(n.)- The neddy should mean the consumption of the nation.
Thousands of kids injured every year[BioC] The above Feelgood Formula enshrines the common philosophy that the better you treat people, the better they will work.ANALISIS POSISI PRODUK TELEPON SELULER MEREK SONY ERICSSON, NOKIA DAN SAMSUNG BERDASARKAN PERSEPSI KONSUMEN DI KOTA YOGYAKARTAGender mainstreaming for policy,programme and project formulationThe Effect of Capital Structure on Share Price On Listed Firms In Kenya. A Case of Energy Listed FirmsImpact of Openness, Foreign Direct Investment, Gross Capital Formation on Economic Growth in KenyaEl atlas lingüístico de Nuevo MéxicoEffect of International Trade on Economic Growth In KenyaParlons Luo : Langue du KenyaANALISIS PENGARUH PENGUMUMAN MERGER DAN AKUISISI TERHADAPKINERJA KEUANGAN DAN ABNORMAL RETURN SAHAM PERUSAHAAN (Studi pada perusahaa...