n.死者名册,死亡启事( necrology的名词复数 );
necrology[ ne'krɔlədʒi ]
- n.
- a notice of someone's death; usually includes a short biography
- a list of people who died recently
NecrologiesNecrologiesNecrologiesNecrologies. Gaston Tuaillon (1923 - 2011)Necrologies; or, the Death of the Body PoliticThe city and two fundamental necrologiesUses of Necrologies for the Assessment of Health Level in a Small TownTwo early necrologies : the examples of Remiremont ( c. 820) and Verona ( c. 810)Janko (Ivan Krstitelj) Tombor in the Light of NecrologiesCholera Epidemics in the Edo Era According to the Necrologies of TemplesThe Axiology of Necrologies: Using Natural Language Processing to Examine Values in Obituaries (Dissertation Code and Limited Data)Professors on a pedestal. The perception of virtues in necrologies written about Robert Fruin and Johannes Gerardus Rijk Acquoy.Zwei Nachrufe auf Franz Xaver von Zach und weitere Reaktionen auf seinen Tod [Two necrologies on Franz Xaver von Zach and other reac...