- n.
- 颈,脖子
- 衣领;领口,开领
- (瓶子等的)脖颈,颈部
- (牲畜、动物的)颈肉,血脖
- [新西兰英语]颈部羊毛
- 海峡;(如海峡的)狭长地带,狭长水面
- (软体动物和棘皮动物的)水管
- (小提琴等弦乐器的)颈状部分
- 【解剖学】(骨、器官等的)收缩部分,颈部
- 【牙科学】齿颈(部)
- 【地质学】岩颈,岩栓
- 【建筑学】柱颈;颈弯饰
- 【印刷】(字肩与字面外缘的)斜坡
- 【赛马】一颈之差;(胜负间的)些微之差
- 地带,地段
- [俚语]厚脸皮,厚颜无耻
- vi.
- vt.
- 短语:
- a pain in the neck 见 pain
- around (或 on) someone's neck 缠在某人身边;令某人烦躁
- be at someone's neck 想卡住某人的脖子,想要某人的命
- bend one's (或 the) neck 屈从,俯首听命
- bow the neck to 向…屈服
- break one's neck
- break someone's neck 打死某人
- break the neck of
- 压得…抬不起头来
- 伤其要害;毁坏,破坏
- 完成…的大部分(或最艰巨的部分);度过最艰难的时刻
- breathe down someone's neck
- [口语]
- (赛跑时)紧跟着某人
- 紧盯着某人;密切监视某人
- by a neck
- 【赛马】以一颈之差(获胜或失败)
- [口语]以毫厘之差
- catch (或 get,take) it in the neck
- dead from the neck up [美国俚语]没有头脑的,蠢透了的,呆痴的
- fall on someone's neck 搂住某人的脖子(亲嘴等)
- give it in the neck 攻击,谴责;严惩
- give someone tennis neck 使穷于应付
- harden the neck 变得顽固,变得刚愎自用
- have (或 put,set) one's foot on the neck of someone 完全制服某人
- have the (或 a) neck to do something 厚着脸皮干某事,厚颜无耻地做某事
- make a long neck 伸长脖子
- neck and crop
- neck and heels
- neck and neck
- 并驾齐驱地,齐头并进地,势均力敌
- 相互接近的,几乎相等的
- neck of the woods
- [美国口语]
- 林区居住地;偏僻的乡村
- 区域,地带;附近,地区
- neck or nothing (或 nought)
- neck up a storm [美国口语]拼命搂着脖子亲嘴
- off someone's neck [口语]从某人身边打发开;不再烦扰某人
- on (over) the neck of 紧跟在…的后面
- put one's neck in the (或 a) noose 自投罗网;自陷险境
- put one's neck out [口语]不顾一切地乱来;招惹麻烦,捅马蜂窝
- risk one's neck 冒着危险 (做某事)
- round someone's neck =on (或 around) someone's neck
- save one's neck
- speak (或 talk) through (the back of) one's neck [俚语]信口开河,随口乱说
- thread on the neck of 骑在…头上,践踏
- up to one's neck [口语]深深陷入(或卷入)
(名词)- [C]颈,脖子 the part of the body by which the head is joined to the shoulders
- [C]领圈,领口 the part of a garment that goes round the human neck
- adj.lacking or apparently lacking a neck
Pearl neckless珍珠项链
neckless like particle无颈颗粒
Charlie's Neckless查理的石晶项链
Uncle Vernon was large and neckless, with an enormous blackmoustache;
I'vethoughtforseveralnights,flowersworthnothingin fact,necklessistooexpensiveforme,skirt?
Neckless cartridgeNeckless lap guitarNeckless: The Audrey Amaka StoryGolf club with neckless metal headWorking stand for neckless electrical home worker machinesHeavily doped silicon crystals: neckless growth and robust wafersNeckless Growth of Dislocation-free Czochralski Silicon Crystals(Basic Concept Enables Breakthrough)The zebrafish neckless mutation reveals a requirement for raldh2 in mesodermal signals that pattern the hindbrain.Beyond the neckless phenotype: influence of reduced retinoic acid signaling on motor neuron development in the zebrafish hindbrain.Development of a new progressive rolling technology of profile of neckless grooved tram rail