named after
The 2011 Maurice Holland AwardISSUES OF WASTE MANAGEMENT ON INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES OF YAKUTIA Nazarova G.V.«POLITICAL, LEGAL, FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC PRIORITIES OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE: STRATEGY AND PROSPECTS»For the first time in history an obstetrical maneuver in named after a midwife.François de la Peyronie and the disease named after himGadolinium: named after Finland's most famous chemistTwelve eponymous signs of aortic regurgitation, one of which was named after a patient instead of a physicianDid Bechterew describe the disease which is named after him? A question raised due to the centennial of his primary report.Minerals first discovered in Switzerland ... and minerals named after Swiss individuals: by Philippe Roth. (2006) ISBN: 3-980-7561-8...The women behind the names: Dermatology eponyms named after women.