nameable英 ['neɪməbl] 美 ['neɪməbəl]
Advocating a Nameable Desire: Yvonne Vera's Without a NameIs Whatever Exists Knowable and Nameable?The nameable and the unnameable : Hofmannsthal's Der Schwierige revisitedThe Hypothesis that All Classes Are NameableThe Nameable and the Unnameable: Hofmannsthal's "Der Schwierige"Revisited by Martin Liebscher (review)Interactively building a discriminative vocabulary of nameable attributesInteractively building a discriminative vocabulary of nameable attributesUsing language to discover categories: More nameable features improve category learningNegotiating the Bi-nary: Strategic Ambiguity and the Non-Nameable Identity in the ClassroomLateralized effects of categorical and coordinate spatial processing of component parts on the recognition of 3D non-nameable objects