abbr.Ozark Mountains 欧扎克山脉(位于阿肯色州,密苏里州和俄克拉何马州境内);
Rock Outcrop Plant Communities (Glades) in the Ozarks: A SynthesisFire frequency on an oak-hickory ridgetop in the Missouri Ozarks.Vegetation of limestone and dolomite glades in the Ozarks and midwest regions of the United States.Tree-ring analysis of fire history of a post oak savanna in the Missouri OzarksResponses of ground flora to a gradient of harvest intensity in the Missouri OzarksBreeding and post-breeding habitat use by forest migrant songbirds in the Missouri Ozarks.Reconstruction of early nineteenth‐century vegetation and fire regimes in the Missouri OzarksEffects of silvicultural treatments on summer forest microclimate in southeastern Missouri OzarksGenetic link between Ouachita foldbelt tectonism and the Mississippi Valley type lead-zinc deposits of the OzarksDisrupting evolutionary processes: the effect of habitat fragmentation on collared lizards in the Missouri Ozarks.