oxytone英 ['ɒksɪtəʊn] 美 ['ɒksɪˌtoʊn]
- n.word having stress or an acute accent on the last syllable
OxytoneOxytoneOxytoneOxytone Accentuation in Latin ElegiacsOxytone Infinitives in the Dialect of PisaElision of Oxytones and Non-oxytones in AeschylusElision of oxytones and non-oxytones in AeschilusThe Dialect Geography of Modern Greek oxytone ImperfectOxytonesis in the names of body parts and cereals in*-ā- of ancient Greek, and accentuation of Indo-European collectivesFoot-binarity. Iambic Feet in Italian (oxytones as città, virtù) and their link with RS (Raddoppiamento Sintattico). A French pars...